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Why you should take advantage of financing and deferred payments for IT upgrades

Aug. 10, 2020 Business Insights

Business IT financing helps you secure the new technology you need without breaking the bank


What’s the true cost of aging IT equipment? It may be more than you think.

You’re probably aware that outdated technology can slow your business down. But did you know that IT equipment that is more than 3 years old could double the cost in lost time and efficiency?

Updating your technology is the way to increase productivity and maximize your team’s efforts. However, the upfront cost could be one of your largest business expenses. Learn why business IT financing and deferred payments can be a great option for companies looking to upgrade.


Ease budget constraints

With business IT financing, you can secure the equipment you need without a huge upfront investment—meaning you reduce your capital expenses and free up budgets for other areas of business growth. If you also take advantage of deferred payments, you can plan for the future expenditure while gaining the benefits of new equipment right now.

There’s also the potential for big tax deductions. Often, businesses can use the Section 179 deduction to deduct the cost of new computer equipment, saving thousands of dollars at tax time and reducing the overall cost of your equipment.


Related resource:
Top six benefits of technology upgrades in the workplace


Prevent downtime and security risks

Older IT systems are prone to sluggishness and even complete failure. This is bad news for your business! Computer downtime does not just equal lost time: it can also mean lost revenue as well.

Older technology systems can also leave you vulnerable to security breaches, leading to serious data losses, financial damages, and loss of customer confidence.


Increase efficiency

As today’s technology rapidly evolves, you need to be able to keep up. If you don’t, you leave the door wide open for your competitors to swoop in and clean up!

When you use business IT financing to refresh your technology you give your team access to better tools, enabling them to improve productivity and serve your customers better than ever.


Be prepared for new challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us how quickly the way we work can change. With business IT financing, you can quickly adapt to sudden, unexpected changes like having to supply your team members with new or additional IT equipment at a moment’s notice.


To conclude

When you take advantage of business IT financing and deferred payments, you can wave goodbye to the outdated equipment that may be hindering your growth. By upgrading your technology you give your teams the tools they need to keep your business protected, to improve how they serve your customers, and to be ready to handle any unexpected challenges.


How we can help

NeverBlue IT helps businesses across Central Florida and Southeast Michigan scale and grow with a comprehensive range of service-first solutions, backed by over 30 years of experience.

As a trusted technology partner, we help our clients by arranging business IT financing and deferred payments for new IT equipment.

Ready to learn more?

Contact us today


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